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10th HISTORY LESSON- 6 Work, Life and Leisure

10th HISTORY LESSON- 6 Work, Life and Leisure

Multiple Choice Questions

Q.1: - Novel written by Durgacharan Ray about the city of Calcutta is—
 (a) Nirmala (b) Godan (c) durgesh modin (d) Debganer martye agaman

 Q.2: - Which of the following city is called Mayapuri ?
 (a) Madras (b) Calcutta (c) Delhi (d) Bombay

Q.3: - ―The Bitter cry of outcast London written by—
 (a) Rudyard Kipling (b) Samuel Richardson (c) Charles Dickens (d) Andrew Mearns

Q.4: - Which of the following film was made by Dada Saheb Phalke?
(a) CID (b) Guest House (c) Tezab (d) Raja Harish Chandra

Q.5: - Which was the Indian first city to get smoke nuisance?
(a) Bombay (b) Calcutta (c) Madras (d) Surat

Q.6: - Most of the people in the film industry were –
(a) Local (b) Migrants from Lahore, Calcutta and madras (c) Foreigners (d) Freedom fighter

Q.7: - Who developed the principal of ‗Garden City‘?
(a) Ebenezer Howard (b) Charles Dickens (c) Thomas Hardy (d) Andrew Mearns

Q.8: - The first underground railway was built in –
 (a) New York (b) Calcutta (c) London (d) Dubai

Q.9: - What were tenements?
(a) Over crowded apartment (b) Official documents (c) Surgical instrument (d) wartime offices

 Q.10: - What does a Metropolis ‘refer to
 (a) State (b) Capital (c) Country (d) Town

Answer the following Questions:-
Q.1: - What steps were taken to clean up London?
Q.2: - Give three reasons why the population of London expended from the middle of the 18th century?
Q.3: - How did people entertain themselves in the chawls?
Q.4: - Explain the social change in London which led to the need for underground railway.
Q.5: - What was the status of the women folk in the conservative industrial towns?
Q.6:- Who wrote the novel,” Debganer Martye Aagaman”? What was its theme?
Q.7:- How the city of London became a powerful magnet for migrant populations, even though it did not have large factories? Explain.
Q.8:- Who were called, marginalized in London? How did they make up their living?
Q.9:-Who was Charles Booth? What did he write about low skilled London workers?
Q.10:-What were the different steps taken by the British government to decongest London?
Q.11:-In which year the first section of the underground railway started? Why the people were reluctant to travel through the underground railways?
Q.12:-How did the social life change in the 18th century in the metropolises in England?
Q.13:-If the new industrial city provided opportunities for mass work, it also raised the problem of mass leisure on Sundays. How did people organize their new found leisure time? Explain.
Q.14:-How a large city population was thus both a threat and an opportunity for a big city? Explain.
Q.15:-Write a note on the Haussmanisation of Paris.
Q.16:- How Bombay became the prime city of India in the 19th and 20th century? Explain.
Q.17:-What were the reasons for the increasing concern for constructing the housing for the poor in Britain?
Q.18:-What is land reclamation project? Explain the different land reclamation projects initiated by the British Government in India?
Q.19:-Why Bombay was considered the city of dreams or mayapuri? Explain.
Q.20:-Who was Lee Kuan Yew? Write about his contribution in making Singapore a model for city planning worldwide.
Q.21:-“City development everywhere occurred at the expanse of ecology and the environment”, Explain your answer by giving examples from London and Calcutta.
Q.22:-Why a number of films were about the lives of migrants?
Q.23:-Give few reasons why the London population expanded from the middle of the 18th century?
Q.24:-What were the changes in the kind of work available to women in London between the 19th and the 20th century? Explain the factors which led to this change.
Q.25:-Did you find any kind of racial and caste-ism pattern which was true of all three Presidency cities?


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