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• Lesson 3 Geography •Water Resources

Lesson 3 Geography: Water Resources

1.     Water: Some Facts and Figures: Complete the following information:-
  • Out of total volume of water on earth ­­­­­­­­­­­­­______% exists in oceans and seas.
  • About ________ of total water is available as freshwater.
  • ________ of total freshwater is present as frozen ice in icebergs and glaciers.
  • A little less than ________ of total freshwater is stored as groundwater.
  • India receives about ________ of global precipitation.
  • India ranks ________ in the world in terms of water availability per person per annum.
  • The total renewable water resources in India are estimated at _____ sq km per annum.
  • It is predicted that large parts of India will join regions with absolute water scarcity; by _________.
  • ___________ State of India has made it mandatory to install rooftop rainwater harvesting in every house.
  • In_________, a 200 year old system of tapping stream and spring water by using bamboo pipes is prevalent.
  • Purest form of rainwater is known as_________ in arid and semi arid regions of Rajasthan.
  • _________ is a remote backward village in Mysore; Karnatka has earned the rare distinction of being rich in rainwater.

·         Q.1 State any three objectives of Rainwater harvesting?

·       Q.2 What is multipurpose river valley project? State any two purposes which are fulfilled by a river valley project?

·         Q.3 what is “Water scarcity” what are its main causes?

·    Q.4 Name any two multipurpose river valley projects or dams which are causes of new social movements. Why did people oppose them?

      Q.5 Explain in brief –
·         (a) Bamboo drip Irrigation System
·         (b) Khadins & Johads
·       (c) Guls & Kuls

·      Q.6.Why do we conserve water resources?

·      Q.7 Explain how water becomes a renewable resource?

2. Answer the following questions in detail:-
 Q.1 Explain the quantitative and qualitative aspects of water scarcity in           India.
   Q.2 Who referred dams as, “Temples of modern India?” Why? Explain.
   Q.3 Why in recent years, multi-purpose projects have come under great             scrutiny and opposition? Explain.
              Q.4 Discuss how rain water harvesting in semi-arid regions of Rajasthan                       is  carried out.
              Q.5 Compare advantages and disadvantages of multipurpose river                                   projects.


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