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Important question and Answers of Outcomes of Democracy

                  Important question and Answers of Outcomes of Democracy 

Q1.‘It is said that democracy is a rule of the majority. The poor are in majority. So democracy must be a rule of the poor’. Justify the answer with suitable arguments. 
Ans.No it is not justified, because the rule of majority does not mean the rule of people who are in majority in number. If the number of poor people in India is more it does not mean that the rule should be of poor. The majority means that the rule of majority government. The political party who won maximum number of seats can form government if political party is able to prove its majority in the house. 
Q2.Why do people prefer democracy? Explain with four reasons
Ans.A. Democracy promotes equality among citizens. 
B. Democracy enhances dignity of individuals. 
C. Quality involves in decision making. 
D. Democracy provides acceptable method to resolve con flict. 
Q3.How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in political sphere? 
Ans.A. Democracy provides a conducive political environment t to citizens for their popular participation in politics B. Every adult citizen has the right to vote and right to contest. C. Every citizen can form political party. 
Q4.How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in economic sphere? 
Ans. A. Democracy stands for equal economic status to all citizens. 
B. In democracy every citizen has right to do any profession. 
C. In democracy government undertakes extensive social welfare schemes and achieve universal economic growth rate. 
D. Democracy government took so many welfare schemes t o remove poverty. 
Q5.How do we assess democracy’s outcome? 
Ans. We assess democracy’s outcome on the basis of its comparative outlook and socio- economic and political achievements like: 
A. Comparative analysis between democracy and dictator ship. 
B. It provides accountable, responsible, representative and legitimate government.
C. It develops mechanism for the people’s participation n in the decision making process. 
D. It promotes economic development. At the same time democracy has the characteristics of economic inequality and disparities
E. We can also assess its outcome on the basis of the way it accommodates the social diversities. 
Q6.How is democratic government known as responsive government? Explain.
Ans. A. It produces a government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs of and expectations of the citizens. 
B. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberations and negations. 
C. Democratic government is attentive to the needs and demands of the people. 
D. A government which is able to respond to grievance faster is able to avoid confrontation and provide good governance. 
Q7.Why is democratic government known as legitimate government?
Ans. A. A democratic government is called legitimate government because it works according the constitution of the country.
B. There is an overwhelmingly support for the idea of democracy all over the world. 
C. People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them. 
D. Democratic government is attentive to the needs and demands of the people. 
Q8.How does democracy accommodates social diversities?
Ans. A. It reduced the possibility of tension. 
B. It evolves mechanism to negotiate the differences. 
C. It expands democratic rights to minority and weaker section of society. 
D. It ensures the dignity and equal rights to all its citizens. 
9.“Transparency is the most important feature of democracy.” Analyze.
Ans.. Democracy ensures that decision-making will be base d on norms and procedures. 
B. So, citizens who want to know if a decision was tak en through correct procedures can find this out. 
C. The people have the right and the means to examine the process of decision- making. This is all what transparency is meant for 


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