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Democracy and Diversity Class X Political Science

Democracy and Diversity Class X Political Science

1. Give examples of people belonging to different social groups sharing differences and similarities cutting across the boundaries of countries.
Ans.A. Johan Carlos and Tommie Smith of US were Black Americans.
B. They were similar and but different from Peter Norman who was white from Australia.
C. But they were all athlete who stood up against racial discrimination.

2.Do you think that social divisions are always dangerous? Explain.
Ans.A. Every social difference does not lead to social division. Also social divisions are not always dangerous.
B. Social differences divide similar people from one another, but they also unite very different people. People belonging to different social groups share differences and similarities cutting across the boundaries of their groups.
C. People belonging to the same religion to feel that they do not belong to the same community because their caste or sect is very different. It is also possible for people from different religion to have the same caste and feel close to each other.
D. Rich and poor persons from the same family do not keep close relation with each other for they feel they are very different.
E. Thus we all have more than one identity and can belong to more than one social group.

3.In a democracy every expression of social division in politics is not disastrous”. Establish the truth of the statement.
Ans.A. At first sight it would appear that the combination of politics and social divisions is very dangerous and explosive.
B. But social division of one kind or another exists in most countries of the world. Wherever they exist, these divisions are reflected in politics.
C. Democracy involves completion among various politic all parties tend to divide any society. But it is not always disastrous.
 D. In a democracy political expression of social division is very normal and can be healthy. This allows various disadvantages and marginal social groups to express their grievances and get the government to attend t o these.
E. Expression of various kinds of social divisions in politics often results in their cancelling one another out and thus reducing their intensity. This leads to strengthening of a democracy.

4.Describe the idea of overlapping differences with examples.
Ans.A. Over lapping differences includes when some social differences overlaps with other differences.
B. Situation of this kind produce social divisions, when one kind of social differences becomes more important than the other and people start feeling that they belong to different communities.
C. In our country Dalits tend to be poor and landless and often face injustice and discrimination.

5.Describe the idea of cross cutting differences with examples.
Ans.A. If social differences cross-cut one another, it is difficult to pi group of people against the other.
B. It means those groups that share a common interest on one issue are likely to be on different sides on a different issue.
C. Cross cutting difference are easier to accommodate.

6.Explain the negative impact of social division on politics?

Ans.A. Democracy involves completion among various political parties. Their competition tends to divide any society.
B. If they start competing in terms of some existing social divisions, it can make social divisions into political divisions and led to conflict violence or even disintegration of a country.
C. For example-Northern Ireland of the United Kingdom e have been for many years the sites of a violent and bitter ethno political conflict.
7.Explain the positive impact of social division on politics?
Ans.A. Every expression of social division in politics doe s not lead to disasters.
B. Social divisions of some or the other kind do exist in every society of the world and are reflected in politics.
C. In democracy it is only natural that political parties would talk about these divisions, make different promises to different com munities, look after due representation of various communities and policies to redress the grievance of disadvantages communities.

8. “The outcome of politics of social divisions depends on how people perceive their identities”. Explain the statement.

Ans.A. The combination of politics and social division is very dangerous and explosive. In democracy many political parties exist. They may tend to divide the society. The social divisions developing into political division s may lead to conflicts, violence and even disintegration of the country. B. At the same time all social divisions in politics d o not lead to conflict. In a democratic society it is natural that political par ties would talk about these divisions and make different promises to different communities. Social division affects voting in different communities.
9. Discuss the role of political parties in the determination of the outcomes of social division.
Ans.A. The outcome depends on how leaders of political par ties raise the demand of any community.
B. It is easier to accommodate demands of that are within the constitutional framework.
C. They are not at the cost of another community.
D. For example, the demand for only Sinhala was at the cost of the interest and identity of the Tamil community of Sri Lanka.
E. In Yugoslavia the leaders of different ethnic communities presented their demands in such a way that these could not be accommodated within a single country.
10.“We all have more and one identity and can belong t o more than one social group”. Support the statement with suitable example.
Ans.A. We have different identities in different context.
B. We all have more than one identity or multiple identities. For example at home. At school, in the village or city, in the nation.
C. At school we are students, class monitor, head boy or girl, sports captain and house captain.
D. At home we are son or daughter, brother or sister.
E. We can have an identity by birth and by choice also. For example a person may be male or female. He or she believes in God or not


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